For over a decade, we have uncovered how to interface missional theory with organizational practice. This unique paradigm generates an ecosystem where both high missional creativity and relationship thrive. The environment is uncontrolled yet balanced, wildly creative but connected and serves every missional person in our city.
Check out our story to learn more.
We want to see every-day believers empowered to respond to their calling to be the church. Everything we do is aimed to unlock the church's potential to create an empowering missional culture to send and serve lay-missionaries.

Every day it seems there are new expressions of darkness, despair, and distance from God and his grace.
3500 churches close each year.
In 1900 there were 28 churches for every 10,000 Americans.
Today there are 11 churches for every 10,000 Americans.
80-85% of churches are on the downside of their life cycle.
Unchurched in the US has doubled from 1990-2004.
As the world changes, the church is in decline. When the church is needed most, it is struggling to survive and to assert any influence. God has called people to bring good news and meet all of these needs, but in many cases, they are under-resourced, under-appreciated, and even sometimes blocked to live out that calling. These missional people are disconnected from each other, unable to collaborate in meaningful ways and at times competing for the same small pool of resources. They are at high risk of burnout and turnover.
Our best people, who most clearly represent the future of the church and the hope of the kingdom, struggle to survive and continue in their essential work. They receive very little coaching, support, or even a community in the work they do. The church needs these people and these people need the church. And the lost and poor of the world desperately need them to find each other.
We believe we have discovered a way of doing church that inverts conventional notions about who can lead and that prioritizes mission over all other enterprise. Rather than empower a few clergy who then recruit volunteers to reach spectators, our approach moves the emphasis to releasing missionaries through leadership development. The result is a form of church that revives mission, exponentially multiplying the impact of the church.
To simply inherit a version of church, no matter how inspired its inception, is to fail to be the church in our own generation. We think every generation should take it to pieces, and if they choose to reinstitute a practice, it is because to them, that practice (old or new) is a wonder. For us, our operating principles, values, and structures are birthed out of a deep sense of purpose and intimacy with Jesus and together constitute what we would call a Missional HUB.
How It Works
We believe in microchurches.
When a microchurch overlaps WORSHIP, COMMUNITY, and MISSION, it is church.
We emphasize people–not buildings, budgets, or even leaders. When believers work together in sincere worship and genuine community to accomplish a part of the mission of God, they are the church. This minimum releases and affirms creative missional callings to reach the darkest of corners without constricting the form of how they look. Everything we do is designed to serve microchurches.
In a diverse and creative missional network, we all agree to the same values–not methodology, technology, or even nonessential theology.
This frees us to live out these values in contexualized ways while remaining connected to each other. If we share these values, we're family.
We systematically reduce command and control mechanisms by radically giving permission and saying “yes” to anyone who wants to obey their calling. Big (centralized stuff) always serves the small (microchurches) by asking the question, “What serves microchurches?” We organize everything around those answers (programs, office space, training, etc..) and allow microchurch leaders to opt in.
We believe every microchurch is autonomous, called and gifted by God to be a part of his mission. We honor this so much that we tell microchurch leaders they are in charge and to opt in or out of centralized programs based on the question, "Does this help you be the church?".
Service Platforms
Using our distinctives, an Underground Network structures a service platform unique to their context for their microchurches. For example, Tampa has built 5 core departments to serve microchurches. (These departments might look different per context.) Each microchurch then opts in to the services they need to be the church.
inquiry-based assistance, counseling, care
co-op office space, free room rentals for meetings, conferences, & events
seminars, theological training, ordination
covering for tax-deductions, donor processing, expense accounting
identity branding, consulting, graphics, websites
Our Values
We believe that these values unite sister networks and the microchurches within each network. Click to read the Luausanne Covenant and our distinct values.