My life's passion is to equip regular-everyday believers to step into the missional calling Jesus has given them. I've done this as a college student, InterVarsity staff member, and Underground director. Since 1997, I've lived in the inner-city of Tampa seeking Jesus and trying to learn what it means to be a good neighbor to the least of our city and have been forever shaped by their wisdom and struggle. Now, Jessica and I with our two girls (Miya and Ana) and two boys (Isaiah and Ezra), enjoy each other even while surround by the dire needs of our friends and neighbors. We are right where God has called us. 

We together as a family have given our lives for the purposes of Jesus, to see his kingdom come here on earth and I ask that you would join us. 


I helped found the Underground in 2006. We've been tinkering with this missional experiment now for 10 years, and we've seen some truly amazing results. It hasn't always been perfect or pretty, but I think Jesus has blessed us with one of the most innovative kingdom models in our nation. We now have over 160 microchurches, 10 sister movements globally and last year saw over 300 people give their lives to Jesus in Tampa alone. 

As a result, I'm moving toward a role of serving and training apostolic leaders to plant empowering missional HUBs in their cities, basically helping people to plant Undergrounds in the US and globally. We hope to train 100 leaders in the next 5 years and plant 100 movements in the next 10. This is merely an extension of what we've always done to help those who have a calling to plant something, now it's just equipping people globally. I think it's ambitious, yet every week I receive calls from leaders who are struggling to innovate and reach their cities and just want some sort of help! Maybe we are onto something. 

So for now I'm working hard on building out a training program, resource library and shepherding platform for leaders globally. It's been a wild ride so far and I hope you decide to join us!



We need a team of partners who understand the desperate need for the church to innovate as our culture shifts. Would you consider joining our team through prayer and spiritual support? Click below to receive prayer updates about our ministry.


We also are responsible to raise the money required to launch this ambitious project ($120,000 annually) and need partners to join us financially.  Would you consider joining our team by donating?